
Welcome to TrackingXY. These Terms of Use apply to your use of TrackingXY's web and mobile applications and other provided content, websites, and any related services (including servers, software, and infrastructure) (the "Services"). TrackingXY may add or remove any site from this list at any time at its sole discretion.
First off, we want to let you know that by using our service, you automatically consent to this document and its contents. You should just stop using TrackingXY.com and terminate our service if you don't think any of the statements in this statement apply to you. All visitors to this website must abide by the terms listed below.
Our content
The company that is represented on this website owns all logo names and tracing results. This website also contains intellectual property that belongs to the site's creators. These resources cannot be used by users.
All of the thesis that you can see on our website, such as the site name, domain, logos, website designs, service features, representations of the tracking results, articles, etc., are original creations of our editors.,
Users are not permitted to take any activities with these inventions, such as duplicating, selling, stealing, impersonating, etc. All of these behaviors are categorically prohibited.
Conduct of the Services
1. You are only permitted to use their services for legal, non-commercial, personal purposes. If any content is available for download, it may only be done so for personal use and not for further duplication or distribution. Any download is subject to the policies that apply to that specific piece of content.
2. You may not:
●Take any actions that TrackingXY considers to be against the purpose or spirit of the Services.
●Employ any unauthorized third-party software intended to alter or tamper with the Services, including
spoofing, exploits, automated software, bots, hacks, modules, and automated software.
●Use the Services in a way that goes beyond the permissions given to you to do so.
●Create any portion of the Service by using the Service to carry out any data mining, bots, or comparable data gathering and extraction technologies on the Content.
●Without our prior written consent, you may not: Reproduce, duplicate, adapt, display, modify, translate, port, publish, (re)license, transfer or otherwise distribute or exploit the Content available on the Services Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of any underlying software or other intellectual property used to provide the Services Use any method other than those expressly authorized by TrackingXY to obtain any information
●Advertise or promote in any way on the Services without first receiving our express written consent.
●Send any unsolicited bulk communications (such as email and instant messages) over the Services.
●Utilize the Services in a way that could endanger, render inoperable, or overtax our servers or network.
●Obstruct any feature of the Services designed to stop unauthorized copying or distribution of any content
on the Services;
●Interfere with another party's use and enjoyment of the Services.
●You are not permitted to submit or transmit any information, content, or material through the Services or to engage in any other activity that: Infringes or violates the rights of others, including, but not limited to, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, publicity rights, or other proprietary rights.
●Is tortuous, involves explicit or graphic depictions or descriptions of sexual conduct, or is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invading another person's privacy, or is pornographic.
●Intimidate, harass, humiliate, or harm an individual or a group of individuals because of their disability, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
●Pretend to be someone else's company, client, or representative.
●Are infected with viruses or other computer code, files, or programs that prevent, disable, or restrict the performance of any software, hardware, or communication equipment, or that permit unauthorized access to a computer or computer network.
●Encourage behavior that is illegal or that could result in legal trouble, or otherwise transgress these terms of use, the guidelines, or other written rules on the services. TrackingXY maintains the right to take action, which may include canceling your account and forbidding you from using the Services in whole or in part, in response to conduct that it determines violates these Terms of Use or goes beyond the scope or spirit of these Terms of Use.
The website's other links
You can find links to various services and internet platforms when using our web pages. The data you discover there is not under our control. We advise you to familiarize yourself with these links' governing documents before utilizing them.